En español
1. Tarde con LancasterGate de Invertir, Bolsa y Dinero. Viaje Value por Madrid (3ª Parte) (Academia de Inversión)En inglés
1. Who's the Real Genius at Berkshire Hathaway? (Kyle Ferguson, Guru Focus)2. What Buffett Won’t Say: Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting 2016 (Evan Bleker, Guru Focus)
3. Charlie Munger AMA: How does Charlie Munger recommend dealing with adversity? (25iq)
4. Saving time with Gurufocus and Google Sheets. Plus, the usefulness of Free Cash Flow (Glenn Chan's Random Notes on Investing)
5. How To Be Persuasive (Joshua Kennon)
6. Do People Want to be Fooled? (The Irrelevant Investor)
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